Embassy of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the Republic of Kyrgyzstan
2025-02-10        2025-01-24 Modern youth of Uzbekistan is a strategic force determining the future of the country        2025-01-24 Deepening cooperation with Malaysia is one of the important priorities of Uzbekistan's foreign policy in the Asian direction       


  • Modern youth of Uzbekistan is a strategic force determining the future of the country

    2025-01-24  101

    According to UNESCO, by 2030, there will be 1.3 billion young people living in the world. This demonstrates the importance of the role that youth will play in ensuring dynamic development, especially in developing countries, where they make up 90% of the world's population.
    At the same time, it is necessary to recognize that today's youth lives in difficult conditions. As experts note, modern youth are growing up in very difficult conditions, when old values ​​have already been broken, and new ones have not yet been formed or have not become generally accepted. In fact, they have to solve not only personal problems, but also complex socially significant issues that were not on the agenda of the previous generation (climate crises, pressure from the digital space, etc.).
    It is worth noting that the above trends are also characteristic of the youth of Uzbekistan, which makes up almost a third of the country's population, and in the age group to 30 years, this figure reaches 60%.
    It should be emphasized that the youth agenda is one of the priority tasks in implementing the strategic course for the development of our state. The President of Uzbekistan assigns a special role to young people, emphasizing the need for their involvement and active participation in the development and prosperity of the country. Evidence of this is the fact that 2021 was declared the "Year of Supporting Youth and Strengthening Public Health."
    Three years later, the President of Uzbekistan Sh. Mirziyoyev declared 2024 the Year of Support for Youth and Business, thereby demonstrating the country's desire to strengthen the role of youth in socio-economic development.

  • Deepening cooperation with Malaysia is one of the important priorities of Uzbekistan's foreign policy in the Asian direction

    2025-01-24  92

    Strengthening friendly relations and developing a multifaceted partnership with Malaysia is one of the important priorities of Uzbekistan's foreign policy in Asian direction.
    This year marks the 33rd anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between our countries. Over this period, Uzbek-Malaysian relations have been developing consistently and fruitfully, based on the principles of friendship, equality, mutual support, respect and consideration of each other's interests.
    The traditional close ties of friendship between the Uzbek and Malaysian peoples are based on common religion, similarity of customs and cultural values.
    The main goals and objectives of the strategic development and modernization programs «Uzbekistan-2030» and «Malaysia MADANI» implemented by our countries also demonstrate similarity and are aimed at ensuring sustainable economic growth and improving the quality of life and well-being of the population.
    High-level visits and established mechanisms of interstate dialog have played an important role in promoting and deepening bilateral interaction.
    To date, six high-level visits have been conducted. In 2020, «friendship groups» were established between the parliaments of the two countries, which significantly intensified inter-parliamentary dialogue. Consequently, in April 2023, Johari bin Abdul, Speaker of the House of Representatives of the Malaysian Parliament, visited Uzbekistan. In June 2024, Nur Jazlan Mohamed, the Deputy President of the Senate of the Parliament of Malaysia visited our country. In return, a parliamentary delegation led by Speaker of the Legislative Chamber of Oliy Majlis Nuriddin Ismoilov paid a visit to Malaysia in July 2024.
    Political consultations between the foreign ministries of the two countries are held regularly, where the sides discuss current issues on the bilateral agenda. Six rounds of political consultations have taken place thus far. Notably, delegations led by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan visited Malaysia in February and July of 2024.
    A solid legal framework has been established between the two countries, consisting of 25 intergovernmental and other documents.